River Sentry

We Meet Again

Tibbetts Sundown

“A painting must be a love affair — you cannot paint half-heartedly”—Edgar Whitney


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Day 2 on the 24 x 24 canvas previously posted. Much of the prior colors are preserved, notably in the lower corners. These areas are considered complete. Next week I will finish The Gadfly for a better descriptive shape yet subtle. Watch for the next start soon. #thousandislands #antiqueboatmuseum #stlawrenceriver #oilpainting #oiloncanvas ...

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Perfect day up on the Big Rock.#thousandislandscanada #stlawrenceriver #thousandislands ...

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Today`s first layer on the 24 x 24 canvas. This is the Gadfly from the Clayton Antigue Boat Museum. It`s based on a photo I took from Frink Park late in the day. Let`s see how it develops. #thousandislands #stlawrenceriver #antiqueboats #oilpainting #clayton #antiqueboatmuseum ...

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Rockport Ontario 11 x 14 oil on panel, plein air. I stood up above the gift shop entrance to Andress Boatworks and Marina. The rocks I was standing on are the same ones I climbed as a kid when my dad took me there. It`s a unique view vs always street level. I will be back in town next week but I don`t know what day. I will look for another place to paint as there are many. Perhaps out on fish rock, or the public dock looking towards the Marina. I do like painting right by the water. #stlawrenceriver #rockportontario #thousandislandscanada #oilpainting #pleinairpainting #landscapepainting #streets #smalltowns ...

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