Summer on the River

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This image was done as a watercolor commission piece for people that rented this cottage on Steamboat Island on the St. Lawrence River. In its hey day, the cottage was a general store for the steamships that traveled the seaway. The store was an annex of sorts from the mainland of Alexandria Bay about a mile away. Long stone piers were built for dockage as the vessels were quite large. There are still remnants of the docks under the surface today. The chairs sitting here were in existence at the time. Made from bend pine limbs, they sat for a long time. Not too recently though, they were stolen off the island possibly during the winter when the river freezes over and island access is accomplished by snow mobile or car. The time I was there it was summer, the wind was blowing through the trees and the curtains in the window flowed in and out as the screens were gone. Being on an island and having the isolation can be the best thing. Island life is not for everyone, but a short rental lets one experience this solitude. Everyone should try it once.

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Print Size

16 x 29, 17 ½ x 11, 8 x 10 matted