Sundown on Tibbetts Point

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Tibbetts Point is where Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence Seaway meet. Ships traveling the lake system from the west will encounter this lighthouse as a point of reference. Its the first landmark maritimers will see as they approach the seaway. Just before however they must meet and take aboard the Seaway Pilot at Cape Vincent to guide them through the narrow passages of the St. Lawrence River. Those traveling west from the ocean and the bay of the St. Lawrence will also follow the same protocols.  My father kept our family cruiser in Pultneyville NY. He would take The Lou to the river each spring making the long trek. He was always looking for Tibbetts Point to tell him he had safely made it to the river.  On one journey he took me along in infancy. Even though the fog had come in and he did not know his location accept by compass, we made it. Of course, I had slept all the way not knowing anything of that trip until I was older. When I paint landmarks on the river, many times they have stories behind them. I had toyed with the idea of making the trip myself in our 20 foot cuddy, but opted out. I’d have to be awake for that one.

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16 x 29, 17 ½ x 11, 8 x 10 matted