Race Point Light – Cape Cod

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Race Point Light sits out on the far end of Cape Cod. Access to the light is only possible by dune buggy as the sands are deep and its too far to walk, especially if you have rented accommodations in the keepers house. Yes, you can actually stay in the keepers quarters. I was on a trek to the Provence Lands just outside Provincetown MA looking for subject matter to paint. From a distant vantage point I could see the lighthouse among the dunes. I had my bike with me that day but couldn’t get too close. I zoomed in with my camera the best I could and this painting is the result. I emphasized the dunes on the right to set the design of scale. Then out in the middle of the “desert” is the structure. One thing I will say. When its summer, and hot, the greenhead horseflies, about an inch long will chase you incessantly. Be prepared. I wasn’t. I didn’t get bit, but had to skee dattle to avoid them.

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Print Size

17 ½ x 11, 8 x 10 matted